PLAP 16 Route The Weald Drive, Kent (16km) Print

PLAP16 The Weald Drive South Western Route Waypoint 1
South Western Route Please note the ground surface within the central woodland section can become quite wet during the winter months and the short section along the B2067 can become busy during the time of day when schools start and finish. Starting from Grid Ref. 962353 (Do not try to go through the gate and onto the path marked on the OS maps as other road, drive or track).1. With your back turn away from your lorry turn right and continue towards Warehorne for approximately 2 and a half miles to join the B2067. This is a slightly undulating lane and has some wide verges in places.

PLAP16 The Weald Drive South Western Route Waypoint 2
Turn left and continue along this road for less than a quarter of a mile.

PLAP16 The Weald Drive South Western Route Waypoint 3
Turn left again at the next junction (opposite the electricity sub-station) and continue along the road for approximately 1 and a quarter miles before passing the car park shown on the OS map.

PLAP16 The Weald Drive South Western Route Waypoint 4
Turn left and after a short distance a byway sign can be seen on your right. (NB other pathways into this wood are not recommended at present). This byway proceeds through Longrope Wood to a small clearing before entering another wooded section by Moat Farm (passing a wildfowl sanctuary on your right). The total distance of this off road section is approximately 2 and three quarter miles, and the ground surface varies.

PLAP16 The Weald Drive South Western Route Waypoint 5
On reaching a short section of unclassified road, exit between the posts onto the road looks narrow but it is possible to pass through using a competition carriage with a 138cm axle width. Parking for a small lorry is available here making this a useful starting point for the North Western route.

PLAP16 The Weald Drive South Western Route Waypoint 6
At the road turn left along the National Cycle Network Route no.18, and to return to the point of departure left again at the next junction.

PLAP16 The Weald Drive North Western Route Waypoint 7
Turn right and after a short distance turn right again down the byway for approximately 2 and three quarter miles. This takes you back to the starting point.

PLAP16 The Weald Drive Eastern Route Waypoint 8
All routes turn down Priory Road towards Bilsington. Continue along this road to the B2067 junction and turn right.

PLAP16 The Weald Drive Eastern Route Waypoint 9
Drive on through Bilsington village for approx. three quarters of a mile.

PLAP16 The Weald Drive Eastern Route Waypoint 10
After a bend and incline in the road there is a dairy farm on your right after which there is a byway sign. (Note: This is easily missed.)

PLAP16 The Weald Drive Eastern Route Waypoint 11
Turn right along the byway passing through the gateway by Herne Cottage, and continue back along the track for approximately 1 and a quarter miles to the start of the route, being careful to stay on the same track and not veer off onto the Footpath at the bend shown on the map. The surface along this byway varies, but much of it has recently been re-surfaced and offers a wonderful start for someone new to carriage driving and seeking somewhere safe to drive.